Wednesday, October 3, 2007

We have Arrived

The sun was setting as we landed into Togo, Africa. We were welcomed by a rather large group of superior Africans, dressed in suits and ties. It was quite intimidating. I attempted to make eye contact with those around me, but was disappointed by the isolation felt. I now know how it feels to be minority.

Once we we left the the airport after traveling for 32 hours, we were taken to the missionaries house for a late night dinner. This consisted of pizza and soda; very American. I assume the pizza was delivered by camel. (grin) Surprised to see cars everywhere on the streets as well as mopeds. Seems dangerous with much reckless driving.

The guest house that we stayed in last night is filled with palm trees and flowers in the lawn. There is a thick white wall that surrounds our yard. Without the ability too look over and with the landscape like it is, it feels like the Bahamas. We have not yet left the walls, I am sure it is a dramatic difference on the other side. However, it feels good to be here. I have never felt so much peace about where I am in my life. The unknown had me questioning; but now, it just feels good.


Anonymous said...

Ah! I am so glad you guys made it safe and sound. I miss you guys sooo much!!! I can't wait to hear more about it!! Love you!

rockadrummer said...

Hey jen,

I am glad you all made it to Africa safe and sound. I miss you lots. But I know how much fun and the wonderful work that you will do over there in Africa.

I want you to know that I pray for your family daily! I will come and visit you!

Love ya lots,

your friend erica