Saturday, October 6, 2007

Getting Adjusted

The smell of Africa turns my stomach daily. We will walk through market and the stench will consume us for hours. At the house, we continually have candles lit as well as flowers on the table to make it smell like home.

Out my bedroom window I hear children seeing and laughing each morning. I open the curtains and see those holding hands as they make their way to the next street. Normally there will be a ball somewhere in the mix of them; seems so lively. The children here laugh more than I have ever heard in America. They have little stress, and take each day for what it is.

It is not uncommon to have Africans constantly in our home. This morning, I woke up to four of them banging on the walls in the bathroom. We have only had cold showers since we have been here, which is actually refreshing, but they have been here all week to put in a hot water heater. Anything we request will be fixed; however, it is all in a matter of time.

I did not think I would fall in love with this place so easily; a warm smile from the children make all the difference. Walk down the streets and we are greeted with many. It is a place that I will hang onto each day carefully.

1 comment:

SocrChap said...

Could be the children that are stinky... perhaps should let them use the cold shower as first missionary act ;p